Today, there are many services that help in promoting an Instagram profile. Today we’ll talk about one of them - Zengram.
Summary of the rating:
What you need to get started
To start automatic promotion through Zengram, you need to register in the service and add your Instagram account to it. To do this, you need:
- go to the zengram website
- click the "Register" button;
- enter your email address and password.
To link an account, you need to click the green plus sign on the main page of the service, and then enter the account name and password.
After completing these steps, the user becomes available all the functionality of Zengram.
Zengram functionality

All Zengram features can be divided into three broad categories.
- Parser. It allows you to collect data about the target audience.
- Tools for various automated actions. Thanks to Zengram, in auto mode, comment on the records of subscribers or users who have not yet signed up to you, massively like, subscribe and unsubscribe, send messages to Direct and watch stories in bulk.
- Instashion. It helps to study one individual account.
Let's talk about each of these categories in more detail.
A parser is a tool that allows you to collect the necessary information about the accounts that make up your target audience, then to take the necessary actions regarding them (for example, comment on or massively click through their entries).
Data collection is possible in three ways:
- by location;
- by tags by which users mark their posts;
- by competitor accounts.
The collection by location (or geolocation) allows you to get data on people who live in a given region. This is very convenient if you offer your goods or services in a real store or office, as it helps to attract potential customers there.

The difficulty in collecting information on geolocation is that not all users indicate on Instagram the locality or region in which they live. Zengram allows you to solve this problem, because it receives data not only from the profile description, but also from geotags in photos and hashtags that users mark their posts with.
For a more accurate search of information, you can specify not only the city, but also a single street or district.
The collection by tags allows you to get information about people who mark their publications with one or another hashtag. In the future, this will help to increase the position of their records in the search results of such users, marking them with the same hashtag as they are. You can load several hashtags into the parser at once.

A fee on competitor accounts makes it possible to analyze another commercial account or blog (or several such accounts). Typically, competitors have already selected the target audience, which eliminates the need to select it yourself. Having collected information about her, you can take actions in relation to her that will help persuade her to subscribe to your profile, that is, to lure him from a competitor.

Zengram presents the parsing results as a database. Before unloading it from the service to the computer, the collected accounts of users of the social network can be filtered by several parameters.
- Gender of profile owner. You can leave only male or female accounts or accounts of both sexes.
- The total number of user subscriptions or subscribers. Profiles will get into the final database depending on the specified parameters.
- Type of account. You can weed out private or commercial pages, or you can leave both types of profiles.

In addition to the information listed, the parser also allows you to collect additional information, for example:
- addresses of profiles in other social networks;
- phone;
- address of residence;
- e-mail.
It may seem that all this is personal information, so receiving it is illegal. Indeed, such information is personal data, however, since people posted it on the Internet and provided open access to it, their collection is absolutely legal. In the future, the received information can be used for e-mail distribution or for sending a commercial offer in any other way.
Automated Actions
Zengram helps you automatically take action on accounts that meet the necessary criteria:
- geolocation;
- hashtags
- Subscription to a competitor’s account.
True, another important parameter is added to them - gender.
The following automatic actions are possible.
- Automatic affixing likes. You can put a “like” mark everywhere, or you can set parameters according to which it will be put down only to those who have subscribed to you, only under comments, only under comments of subscribers or only under publications of people who like you.
- Subscribe and unsubscribe in auto mode. Thanks to this tool, you can subscribe to pages that match the conditions entered in the settings. An automated unsubscribe is also possible - you can unsubscribe from people who have unsubscribed earlier from you, or when you reach the Instagram subscriber limit (however, you can also set a number less than the limit after which the unsubscribe will take place).
- Hide subscriber publications. If you scored a lot of subscribers, your feed will be overloaded, which makes it difficult to work. To avoid this, you can set the option “Hide publications” in the Zengram settings.
- Automatic commenting. The service itself can leave comments under the publications of your subscribers or people who meet the established parameters. To do this, you can create 20 ready-made comment templates.
- Auto Direct. Zengram can not only comment on user entries, but also automatically send them messages in Direct. This tool works on the same principle: ready-made message templates are created in advance, and then sent to profiles that meet the established criteria. True, auto-direct has a number of additional settings. So, you can specify how many subscribers and subscriptions a person must have in order for him to be sent a message, how many posts he has to publish, and in what language the account should be kept. These parameters may not be set - then the messages will be sent in accordance with the general settings.
- Automatically view user stories. Zengram can massively view published user stories that will match the configured targeting in the service. Viewing the stories of your potential subscribers favorably affects the attendance of your account - it will grow exponentially.

This tool is intended primarily for owners of private accounts. However, it is also suitable for the owner of a commercial profile or a blogger, as it helps to draw up a portrait of a typical representative of the target audience based on a thorough study of one or two accounts.
Instashion allows you to get the following information:
- about subscriptions and subscribers of the studied account;
- what publications he is interested in;
- about the last actions committed by him on a social network.
Can I connect a proxy
Zengram by default works through its own proxy. However, if you do not trust him and doubt your safety, you can connect your own. For this, there is a section “Proxies” in the settings. In order for the service to start working through your personal proxy, you need to fill out this section and move the inclusion slider.
Compared to other similar services, Zengram has the following advantages.
- Fine work of algorithms. Algorithms of the service work in such a way that the probability of blocking an Instagram account is almost nullified.
- Ability to connect a large number of profiles. Using the service, you can promote up to 10 accounts at a time.
- Extensive functionality. Zengram provides everything you need for automatic promotion on Instagram.
- Low price. Most other services charge the same fee for one month as Zengram charges for six months.
The cost of Zengram services depends on how many accounts you will promote, and on the time for which you plan to purchase a subscription. If their number is from one to three, then it will be:
- 699 rubles for 1 month;
- 1 099 rubles for 2 months;
- 1 499 rubles for 3 months;
- 2 699 rubles for six months;
- 4,999 rubles in one year.
When promoting from three to ten accounts, the price will be higher:
- 1 299 rubles for 1 month;
- 2 079 rubles for 2 months;
- 2 729 rubles for 3 months;
- 4 999 rubles for six months;
- 9 359 rubles in one year.
In order to familiarize users with the work of the service before purchasing a subscription, everyone who signs up for Zengram is given the opportunity to access its functions for 7 days. This allows you not to buy a "pig in a poke", but carefully weigh the feasibility of paying for a subscription.
When promoting a business account, you need to analyze the data on a large number of profiles on Instagram. Manually doing this is very difficult, so many resort to various automated services. One of them is Zengram. It allows you to collect information about the target audience according to predefined parameters, perform the necessary actions in relation to it (like, post comments, send messages, view stories). Benefits Zengram - accurate work of service algorithms, great functionality and low price.